• Novy Ramini Harahap Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan
  • Mila Syari Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan
  • Novitri Adelina Sipayung Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan
  • Evaria Manurung Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan


Primigravida pregnant women almost all experience worry, anxiety, and fear both during pregnancy, during labor and after delivery. The release of these stress hormones causes systemic vasoconstriction, including constriction of the uterine vasa utero which causes disruption of blood flow in the uterus, so that oxygen delivery to the myometrium is disrupted and results in weak uterine muscle contractions. This incident causes the delivery process to take longer. The way to create a calm condition in the body so that it is comfortable and calm can be done through hypnosis. Hypnosis / Hypnobirthing can be used to deal with and undergo pregnancy and preparation for childbirth in a natural, calm, and comfortable way as well as the mental health of the fetus. Hypnobirthing has several benefits including reducing pain, increasing the incidence of spontaneous labor, reducing the risk of surgery, accelerating the recovery of postpartum mothers, helping oxygen supply to the baby during the delivery process. The purpose of this community service activity is to encourage behavior change and equip mothers to cope with breathing during the sick delivery process. The method used is the hypnosis/hypnobirth counseling method at the time of delivery which is given education to pregnant women in the third trimester.


Keywords: Hypnosis, Pregnancy


How to Cite
HarahapN., SyariM., SipayungN., & ManurungE. (2022). LATIHAN RELAKSASI PERNAPASAN (HIPNOSIS) PADA IBU HAMIL UNTUK PERSIAPAN PERSALINAN. EBIMA : Jurnal Edukasi Bidan Di Masyarakat, 3(1), 33-36. Retrieved from