JURNAL IBU DAN ANAK https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA <p>Jurnal Ibu dan Anak is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice on May and November. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field of midwifery.</p> <p>Jurnal Ibu dan Anak provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and discussion of advances in evidence, controversies and current research, and promotes continuing education through publication of systematic and other scholarly reviews and updates. Jurnal ibu dan Anak articles cover the cultural, clinical, psycho-social, sociological, epidemiological, education, managerial, workforce, organizational and technological areas of practice in preconception, maternal and infant care, maternity services and other health systems.</p> Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau Under Health Ministry Republik Indonesia en-US JURNAL IBU DAN ANAK 2338-1930 THE RELATIONSHIP OF EMESIS GRAVIDARUM WITH THE INCIDENT OF ANEMIA IN THE MOTHER PREGNANT https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA/article/view/1038 <p><em>Hyperemesis gravidarum is nausea and vomiting which is categorized as severe if a pregnant woman vomits every time she drinks or eats. Meanwhile, pregnancy anemia is a "potential danger to mother and child" a condition of red blood cell deficiency during pregnancy. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between emesis gravidarumin and the incidence of anemia in the Taman Sari 6 Pratama Clinic working area. This research is an analytical survey using a cross sectional approach. This research was carried out from February to July 2022. The population in this study was all pregnant women who underwent pregnancy checks from February to August, totaling 44 TM I and II pregnant women. The sampling technique in this research was carried out using a total sampling technique that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.&nbsp; The research results were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. Of the 44 respondents, 26 respondents (59.1%) did not experience anemia, and 18 respondents (40.9%) experienced anemia, 31 respondents (70.5%) experienced emesis, and 13 respondents ( 29.5%) did not experience emesis. There is a significant relationship between Emesis Gravidarum and Anemia in pregnant women in the Taman Sari 6 Pratama Clinic Working Area with a p value of 0.02 (p &lt; 0.05). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between hyperemesis gravidarum and anemia in pregnant </em></p> Septi Indah Permata Sari Elly Susilawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 12 2 48 52 Literature Review: Psychological Impact on Early Age Marriage https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA/article/view/1039 <p><em>Background: Cases of early marriage continue to increase throughout the world, around 650 million women get married before they are 18 years old. Early marriage triggers poor mental health related to the economy, caring for children and family traditions. Objective: To discuss the psychological impact of early marriage. Method: Using the Literature Review method, search for articles using Google Scholar and Pubmed in the last 5 years. Results: From 7 international and national articles, it was found that the psychological impacts that occur in young women marrying early are stress, anxiety and depression, depression and trauma. Conclusion: The psychological impact of early marriage is stress, anxiety and depression, depression and trauma</em></p> Salsabila Lintang Pranandia Noveri Aisyaroh Kartika Adyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 12 2 53 61 Teenage Promiscuity's Effect On Early Marriage https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA/article/view/1040 <p>Teenage promiscuity in early marriage is very influential, many teenagers apply for marriage dispensation because they are pregnant outside of marriage. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact, factors, and efforts to prevent adolescents aged 13 to 18 years from engaging in promiscuity until marriage occurs at an early age. This research method is a literature study. The results of the study show the impact, factors, and prevention efforts of adolescent promiscuity in early marriage committed by adolescents aged 13 to 18 years. Factors of promiscuity in early marriage are peer influence, environment, lack of sexual education and knowledge, influence of social media, family, and economic problems. The impact of promiscuity in early marriage is reproductive health, risk of maternal mortality, and psychological impact. It can be concluded that the average teenager from the age of 13 to 18 years old engages in promiscuity because of supporting factors, causing adolescents to fall into promiscuity until they finally have sexual intercourse with the opposite sex and end up pregnant outside of marriage which requires the teenager to marry at an early age, without knowing the very high impact on early marriage. The impact of teenage promiscuity in early marriage such as reproductive health impacts, risk of maternal mortality, and psychological impacts. Efforts to prevent promiscuity in early marriage are by participating in positive activities such as participating in the generation planning programme (GenRe). Suggestions are expected to parents when children are at a vulnerable age, higher knowledge is needed to know the negative impacts of promiscuity committed by adolescents, sexual education in adolescents is very important to provide accurate and comprehensive information about reproductive health, sexuality, and the consequences of risky behaviour.</p> Salsa Aprilia Yani Achdiani Lia Shafira Arlianty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 12 2 62 69 THE EFFECT AUGMENTED REALITY BASED POCKET BOOK MEDIA ON STUDENTS' KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ANEMIA https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA/article/view/1054 <p>One of the health problems of young women is iron deficiency anemia. As many as 19.4% of adolescents aged 15-24 years in Riau Province suffer from anemia (Norlita et al., 2023). This study aims to determine the effect of education using augmented reality (AR)-based pocket book media on female students' knowledge about anemia in young women. The type of quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design. The study population was all 124 female students of class XII IPS with a sample of 37 people taken using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection method was the observation method. Data analysis used the dependent t-test (95% confidence interval). The results of the study showed that there was an increase in the average score of female students' knowledge about anemia from 8.43 (SD = 1.259) to 9.65 (SD = 0.676) after education. AR-based media improves female students' understanding of anemia because this technology makes unclear objects look more real when felt (Suryaningsih, 2020). Statistically, there is an effect of providing education using AR-based pocket book media on female students' knowledge about anemia in adolescent girls (p=0.000).</p> Lailiyana Lailiyana Yan Sartika Yanti yanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 12 2 70 76 THE INFLUENCE OF DIET ON ANEMIA SYMPTOMS IN ADOLESCENT WOMEN IN CLASS X SMA N 1 LIRIK https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/JIA/article/view/1082 <p>Puberty in teenage girls is characterized by the occurrence of menstruation. The amount of iron lost during menstruation causes teenage girls at puberty to be at risk of anemia. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of diet on anemia symptoms. This study was quantitative with a survey approach, the sample in this study is grade X teenage girls at SMA N 1 Lirik. The sampling technique was total sampling with a sample of 67 people. The data collection technique for this study is a questionnaire. The hypothesis test used is Simple Linear Regression as statistical analysis. The majority of girls' diets are not balanced at 34 people (50.7%) and the majority of women's anemia symptoms are 34 people (50.7%). In this study the results of sig = 0.000 &lt; 0.05, these results it can be concluded that there is an influence on diet on anemia symptoms in grade X teenage girls at SMA N 1 Lirik in 2024.</p> Ratih Sulastri Elsie Anggreni Fitriyani Bahriyah Guriti Guriti Budi Susilawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 12 2 77 83