: Journal of Nursing and Homecare2025-02-20T03:01:12+00:00Open Journal Systems<p> JONAH : Journal of Nursing and Homecare is a nursing journal which publishes scientific works for nurses, academics, and practitioners. Jonah welcomes and invites original and relevant research articles in nursing, as well as literature study, case report particularly in nursing and home care.<strong><br></strong></p> of Postpartum Exercise in Accelerating Uterine Involution in Postpartum Mothers in the Working Area of the Rumbai Health Center2025-01-13T08:09:14+00:00Farrah Adinda Putrimellykamal28@gmail.comMelly Mellymellykamal28@gmail.comMagdalena Magdalenalenapoltekkes@gmail.comSari<p><em>The puerperium is the period after the birth of the placenta and ends when the uterine devices return to their pre-pregnancy state with a uterine weight of 60 grams or is called Uterine Involution. Disruption of the involution process that is not perfect and can result in bleeding and maternal death is subinvolution. The process of involution can occur quickly or slowly, one of the factors that can affect uterine involution is postpartum exercise. The purpose of this case study is to find out the description of postpartum exercise in post partum mothers. The research method used is descriptive research method using a case study approach. The results of this case study show that there has been a decrease in the height of the uterine fundus in subject I, namely 12 cm from the top of the symphysis to 4.8 cm from the top of the symphysis, subject II also experienced a decrease in the height of the uterine fundus from 10.5 cm from the top of the symphysis to 4, 3 cm from the top of the symphysis after postpartum exercise. The application of postpartum exercise to postpartum mothers can help speed up the process of uterine involution, one of which can be assessed by measuring the fundal height of the postpartum mother .</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of Effleurage Massage in Third Trimester Pregnant Women To Reduce Back Pain in the Working Area of the Karya Wanita Pekanbaru Health Center2025-01-13T08:18:46+00:00Nur Afni Yolandalenapoltekkes@gmail.comMagdalena Magdalenalenapoltekkes@gmail.comMelly<p><em>Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process, in which women who have healthy reproductive organs who have experienced menstruation and have sexual intercourse with a man whose reproductive organs are healthy are very likely to experience pregnancy. Back pain is one of the most common discomforts felt by third trimester pregnant women during pregnancy. One of the non-pharmacological techniques in reducing back pain is the effleurage massage technique. The purpose of this effleurage massage technique is to reduce back pain in pregnant women and relax pregnant women. The method used in this scientific paper is a case study design with 2 subjects. The application is carried out in the Work Area of the Pekanbaru Women's Health Center, for 3 consecutive days 1 time with a duration of 5-10 minutes. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis. The results of the application showed that after the effleurage massage was carried out, there was a decrease in the back pain scale in both subjects, namely in subject 1 (Mrs.N) from a pain scale of 7 (severe pain) to a pain scale of 1 (mild pain) and in subject 2 (Mrs.R) from a pain scale of 8 (severe pain) to a pain scale of 1 (mild pain). Third trimester pregnant women are advised to do effleurage massage at least once a day to relax the body</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Of Perceived Ergonomic Hazards by Nurses In Intensive Care and Emergency Room2025-01-16T02:25:55+00:00Dewi Sartikatika27asril@gmail.comRusherina<p><em>The application of ergonomic principles in the workplace has not received full attention, especially for nurses in hospitals. There is not much information about the perceptions of nurses in intensive care and the emergency room about ergonomic hazards and their preventive actions. The purpose of this research was to explore experiences and perceptions of nurses in intensive care and emergency room in preventing the ergonomic hazards during the implementation of nursing care. This qualitative study used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to collect the data from a hospital in Pekanbaru. The participants consisted of 17 nurses who worked in intensive care room and 10 nurses who worked in emergency room. This research used Colaizzi strategies to analyze the data by comparing perceptions of nurses who worked in intensive care and emergency room. The research results showed that both groups had similar understanding on the ergonomic hazards, similar perceptions on the importance of paying more attention to the ergonomic hazards, and similar preventive actions to make. Further, there were similar perceptions on factors influencing the preventive actions to the ergonomic hazards as well as similar expectations and needs in improving the preventive actions toward ergonomic hazards. The participants had similar valuable experiences and ideas which should be considered in improving the preventive actions toward the ergonomic hazards while working in the hospital. Those expectations are in the forms of education, socialization, reminder from other nurses, and supports from the head nurse to improve knowledge, self-awareness, and appropriate preventive actions toward the ergonomic hazards</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Study Analysis Of Reducing Nausea And Vomiting In Pregnant With The Implementation Of A Combination Of Acupressure Pericardium 6 And Aromatherapy Peppermint2025-02-20T03:01:12+00:00Haris Fadhilah AkipHarisakip02@gmail.comAsmawati HusniHarisakip02@gmail.comDwi<p><em>Nausea often occur in pregnant in the first trimester or early stages of pregnancy, where the management of nausea is mostly done by pharmacological means which can impact on the mother and the organogenesis period in the fetus. Prolonged nausea in pregnant can cause dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, and negative impacts on the fetus including birth defects and miscarriage. Purpose to determine the implementation of a combination of acupressure pericardium 6 and peppermint aromatherapy to reduce nausea. This type of research is a descriptive case study in a case study, one pregnant who experiences mild nausea, this data collection uses interviews using a questionnaire, this research was conducted on April 29-May 01, 2024, the analysis technique used is qualitative by describing and drawing conclusions based on the results obtained during the study. The results obtained during the 3 days of implementation on the first day of the PUQE score was 13, on the second day it decreased after being given an implementation of 7, and the third day decreased again with a score of 3. The combination of P6 acupressure and aromatherapy reduces nausea and vomiting in pregnant.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##