Correlation of Estradiol Concentration and Body Mass Index in Progestin Contraceptive User

  • Ari Susanti Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Eryati Darwin Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
  • Rauza Sukma Rita Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Estradiol, Body Mass index, DMPA User


One method of contraception that has high effectiveness is progestin contraception. One type of progestin, namely depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, can stimulate the appetite control center in the hypothalamus, causing an increase in appetite and body weight. The number that becomes the standard assessment to determine whether a body weight is classified as normal, underweight, overweight, or obese is the body mass index (BMI). This research aims to identify the relationship between estradiol levels and body mass index. This type of research is analytic. The research sample was 45 DMPA user. Data analysis used discriminant analysis. The results showed that estradiol levels of 56.4 ± 19.3 pg/mL tended to have normal BMI. Estradiol levels of 73.3 ± 47.7 pg/mL tend to be overweight. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between estradiol levels and body mass index.


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How to Cite
Susanti, A., Darwin, E., & Rita, R. (2023). Correlation of Estradiol Concentration and Body Mass Index in Progestin Contraceptive User. JPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan, 12(1), 58-63.