Analysis of Pro-Environmental Behavior using the 5R method (Rethink, Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) towards Waste Management

  • Zulmeliza Rasyid Universitas Hang Tuah, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Keywords: Pro-environmental behavior, Waste management


Pro-environmental waste management behavior can help reduce environmental damage or improve environmental conditions. The 5R method is rethink, reject, reduce, reuse, recycle. Preliminary data showed that 74% of the community had low knowledge of 5R, 78% had negative 5R attitudes, 55% had poor 5R actions in waste management. This research aims to determine the analysis of Pro-Environmental Behavior using the 5R method for Waste Management. This type of research is quantitative analytical cross sectional design. The research location is Rukun Tetangga.07/Rukun Warga 01 Perhentian Marpoyan Village. The population and sample are heads of families who live in RT 07/Rukun Warga 01, Perhentian Marpoyan Village, totaling 130 heads of families (Total Sampling). Questionnaire measuring tool. Computerized data processing. Univariate and bivariate data analysis (chi square test) CI 95%. The research results show that there is a relationship between pro-environmental behavior and the 5R method in waste management. Cooperation and integration of various parties, including the community, private sector and government, is needed to overcome this waste management.


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How to Cite
RasyidZ. (2024). Analysis of Pro-Environmental Behavior using the 5R method (Rethink, Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) towards Waste Management. JPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan, 12(2), 214-223.

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