JPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan
<p>JPK: Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan [ ISSN : 2715-1115 (online) 2302-8610 (print)] is a double-blind peer-reviewed national journal published twice on May and November. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field on health in the broadest sense such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information system, medical record, health law, hospital management, enviromental science, etc.<br><br> DOI: <a href=""></a>.<br>by the Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau located in Pekanbaru, Indonesia</p> <p> </p>Poltekkes Kemenkes Riauen-USJPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan2302-8610The Relationship between Knowledge of Oral Health Maintenance with the Incidence of Gingivitis in Traders
<p><em>Gingivitis is a periodontal disease involving the gingival tissue, caused by bacterial invasion. The emergence of gingivitis problems in society can be caused by individual behavioral factors that neglect oral hygiene due to lack of individual knowledge about the importance of oral health maintenance. This study aims to see the relationship between knowledge of oral health maintenance and the incidence of gingivitis in traders at Tanjungsari Square, Tanjungsari Village, Sumedang Regency. This analytic study with a cross sectional design took samples with purposive sampling technique as many as 31 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires and modified gingival index (MGI) examination. The results showed that as many as 13 (41.9%) respondents still had a level of knowledge in the lack category and as many as 12 (38.7%) respondents still had gingivitis with moderate inflammation. The Spearman test obtained a p-value of 0.037 <0.05 with r count -0.377, which means that there is a relationship between knowledge of oral health maintenance with the incidence of gingivitis in traders. The lower the knowledge of oral health maintenance, the higher the incidence of gingivitis in traders.</em></p>Hestin Veterianing AsihSiti FatimahSri MulyantiNining Ningrum
2024-11-122024-11-1213211812310.36929/jpk.v13i2.862An Analysis of Filling Completeness and Return Punctuality of Inpatient Medical Record Document at Hospital
<p><em>The completeness of the form, accuracy, accuracy of the records, and timeliness of returns are indicators of quality medical records and have not yet been achieved. This research aims to obtain information about the completeness of filling in and the timeliness of returning inpatient medical records at Bina Kasih Hospital Pekanbaru. This type of research is qualitative, with a case study approach, with thematic analysis by conducting interviews with 6 informants, conducting observations, and reviewing documents. It was found that the results of the input mechanism were that the high workload caused the open assessment of medical records to not be carried out properly, the skills of the staff were in line with the job description, the forms still used paper on patient status, this affected the incompleteness of filling in medical records, the filling method was carried out after an action had been taken on the patient. weak control and no sanctions for those who are not disciplined, in the aspect of the process of filling out the equipment in stages, the level of indiscipline is high. The output has not produced the expected results with a value of 60%, this result is below the hospital's minimum standard value of 80%.</em></p>Yessi RahayuOktavia DewiHerniwanti HerniwantiEndang P RahayuAldiga Rienarti Abidin
2024-11-122024-11-1213212413410.36929/jpk.v13i2.760Self Medication Drugs During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Pharmacy
<p><em>Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov2) with a high mortality rate. Self-medication is the behavior of taking self-medication based on a diagnosis of the symptoms of illness that occurs. This study aims to determine the profile of the use of self-medication drugs that are often used to treat symptoms similar to COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Pekanbaru City Pharmacy, Riau Province in the period of July 2021. The type of research is observational with a descriptive design and concurrent data collection. The population is the respondent who self-medicates in a pharmacy in Pekanbaru. The sample is 100 respondents who have met the inclusion criteria with a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the most used drugs were for fever symptoms (27.8%), the most pharmacological class of drugs purchased by patients were antipyretics-analgesics (32.5%), the most used dosage forms were tablets (58, 7%). During the self-medication process, patients most often received information from health workers (35.4%). Based on gender, the most patients who self-medicated were women (56%), the age of the most patients was around 17-25 years (46%), while from the last education level the most patients were high school/equivalent (44%) with the type of work as private employees (48%). Drugs that are often purchased during the Covid-19 pandemic are analgesics-antipyretic.</em></p>Fina AryaniAnnisa Yuri AmaliaMeiriza DjohariAnugrah Humairah
2024-12-232024-12-2313213514010.36929/jpk.v13i2.846Comparison of Pregnancy Exercise Modifications in Improving the Functional Capability of Pregnant Women
<p><em>Hormonal changes in pregnant women result decreased muscle elasticity and flexibility, changes in static posture. Lower back pain in pregnant women can hinder daily functional activities. To find out physiotherapy interventions that can improve the functional abilities of pregnant women in conditions of low back pain. This research design uses randomized pre and post group design. This research used 20 subjects, divided into 2 groups. Analytical tests used paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Functional ability was measured using Pain Disability Index. Results of the analysis mean difference are p<0.05, which means that modified pregnancy exercise and gym ball are better than conventional pregnancy exercise in improving the functional abilities of pregnant women in NPB conditions. Pregnancy exercise and Gym ball can reduce the degree of lower back pain by training the tone of the inner transverse abdominal muscles, this can overcome NPB thereby increasing daily functional activities.</em></p>Sri Gunda Fahriana FahruddinWiwit Indriyani AslinaNita Indah Lestari
2024-12-242024-12-2413214114810.36929/jpk.v13i2.951Breastfeeding Mothers' Knowledge About Breast Care In Increasing Breast Milk Production
<p><em>WHO data in 2018 The rate of exclusive breastfeeding according to international figures is 50%. Indonesia's health data in 2021, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in 2021 is 56.9%. Based on an initial survey conducted from 4 breastfeeding mothers, 3 breastfeeding mothers who do not understand about breast care to increase milk production. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers about breast care in increasing breast milk production at PMB Rosita Pekanbaru City in 2022. This study used a quantitative type with a descriptive design. The population in this study amounted to 44 people. The number of samples in this study amounted to 44 people who were taken by total sampling technique. The results of this study found that the majority of breastfeeding mothers' knowledge about breast care in increasing breast milk production was sufficient for 20 respondents (45.5%). Breastfeeding mothers are expected to seek more information about breast care to increase milk production from health workers, journals, and print media and increase good knowledge about breast care.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Knowledge, Breast Care, Breast Milk Production</em></strong></p> <p> </p>Rizka AngrainyBerliana IriantiDamai Yati ArefaNelly Karlinah
2024-12-242024-12-2413214915410.36929/jpk.v13i2.801The Relationship Between Protein, Iron, Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 Intake and The Incidence of Anemia
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Anemia is a condition when hemoglobin is lower than normal levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of protein intake, iron, vitamin C and vitamin B12 in adolescent girls of SMKN 3 majoring in culinary. This research method uses analytical observation with a cross sectional method. the sample used in this study was 60 young women majoring in cosmetology taken using simple random sampling. Intake of protein, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12 using the 3x24 hour Food Recall form and measurement of Hb levels using the Earsy touch GcHb tool. Univariate and bivariate data analysis were processed using the chi-square test with a significance level of a=0.05. Conclusion most of the respondents had insufficient intake of protein, iron and there was a significant relationship, while vitamin c and vitamin B12 with the incidence of anemia did not have a significant relationship</span><span lang="EN-US">.</span></em></p>Ramtina TamalaTonny C MaigodaDesri SuryaniAhmad RizalYenni Okfriani
2024-12-312024-12-3113215516310.36929/jpk.v13i2.898Effect of Anticoagulant Use on Coagulation Parameters in Covid-19 Comorbid Diabetic Patients
<p>Coagulation disorders, one of the causes of death of severe Covid-19 patients and comorbidities that also affect coagulation is Diabetes Mellitus. In the guidelines, it is recommended to use prophylactic anticoagulants, namely Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) and Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) to overcome the problem of this coagulation disorder by paying attention to the value of coagulation parameters, namely, D-Dimer, PT, APTT and platelet values. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between the use of prophylactic anticoagulants with a decrease / increase in the value of the coagulation parameter. The research design was retrospective pre-post test cohort study with research subjects of comorbid Covid-19 Diabetes patients treated in the ICU of RSUP Dr.M Djamil Padang. As a result, in the group of patients using UFH there was a significant decrease in D-Dimer values (p = 0.001) while the LMWH group was not significantly related (p = 0.05). For the association of anticoagulants with PT values, APTT in both groups was not significant. As for platelet values, there was a significant decrease in the UFH group. Conclusion for severe Covid-19 patients with comorbid Diabetes The use of UFH is recommended as a therapeutic option.</p>Nurma FebriaFatma Sri WahyuniYufrialdi Yufrialdi
2025-01-062025-01-0613216417010.36929/jpk.v13i2.853Diet and Menstrual Disorders in Women of Fertile Age
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Menstrual disorders are caused by diet and sedentary life, stress, disease, genetic. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the frequency of junk food consumption and menstrual cycle disorders. This study used a cross sectional design with respondents involved were WUS visiting the catin clinic at Puskesmas Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The number of respondents was 55 people. Data analysis using chi square test. The results of the study respondents whose menstrual cycle was not normal as much as 23.6%. The youngest age of menarche was 12 years. The frequency of junk food consumption in the category of frequent consumption (7 times / week) is a group of foods / drinks containing a lot of sugar, fried foods, processed meat foods by 81.8%, 67.3%, 36.4%. The results of the chi square test showed that there was a significant relationship between the frequency of junk food consumption and menstrual cycle disorders with P <0.05. In conclusion, junk food consumption is a cause of menstrual cycle disorders and further research is needed to see the causes of menstrual cycle disorders as a whole.</span></em></p>Yulia WahyuniAnita SukarnoReza FadhillaAnugrah NoviantiTyas Laksita Dewi
2025-01-062025-01-0613217117710.36929/jpk.v13i2.962The Relation Between Consumption Patterns Snacks, Sugary Drinks and Physical Activity With Body Mass Index
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Nutritional status reflects condition body resulting from consumption of food and nutrients that function as a source of energy, growth, development, tissue repair, and regulators of the body's metabolism. Nutritional status influenced various factors as daily diet, intake and lifestyle, types of drinks consumed, and physical activity. Purpose study determine relationship between consumption patterns snacks, sweet drinks and physical activity with body mass index D3 students majoring in nutrition at Poltekkes kemenkes bengkulu in 2024. Study used analytical descriptive design crossectional design. Sample of 46 people was selected random sampling technique. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately using Chi-Square a significance level </span><span lang="EN-US">α</span><span lang="EN-US">=0.05. Consumption pattern of snacks, sugary drinks and physical activity with body mass index was significant. Relationship between consumption snacks with BMI p-value 0.001, consumption sugary drinks with BMI p-value 0.004, physical activity and BMI p-value 0.002.</span></em></p>Rahma SaritaTonny C MaigodaYenni OkfriantiAnang WahyudiRisda Yulianti
2025-01-082025-01-0813217818410.36929/jpk.v13i2.968Preparation And Evaluation Of Hydrogel From Super Red Dragon Fruit Skin Extract (Selenicereus costaricensis)
<p><em>Dragon skin is a waste that is rarely used and often discarded. The dragonfruit skin has antioxidant activity related to the anthocyanin content that protects the skin from oxidation damage to prevent premature aging. This study introduces a new approach to utilizing super red dragon fruit skin waste often thrown away, by formulating it into a hydrogel preparation with potential as a cosmetic product. An experimentally used method with a true-experimental design. There are 7 formulas, F1 (base), F2, F3, and F4 (with ultrasonic extract 1%, 2%, 3.). The evaluations included organoleptic tests, homogeneity tests, viscosity testing, pH tests, swelling ratio, freeze and thaw. The results of this study show that super red dragonfruit leather extracts can be formed in hydrogel preparations and have good physical quality properties.</em></p>Dwi SetiawanYulia YestiNola RahmadasmiOryza Sativa FitrianiMiming AndikaRizqa HasanahAhdi Dinil Haq .AHDesti WulandariNurdina Putri
2025-01-082025-01-0813218519210.36929/jpk.v13i2.947Relationship between Nutrition Knowledge, Breakfast Habits, Snack Practices with Students' Nutrition Status
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Good nutritional status is obtained from fulfilling the need adequate food intake. Children's nutritional needs can be met with 3 main meals a day and healthy snacks. But the fact is that there are still many children who leave the breakfast habit. School children cannot be separated from snacks. One of the factors that influence the selection of snacks and breakfast is nutritional knowledge. Children who have good breakfast and snack habits can fulfill their nutritional needs so that there is no deficiency or excess of nutritional status. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of nutritional knowledge, breakfast practices and snacks for students at SDN 11 Bathin Solapan, Bathin Solapan District. The sample of this research were grade IV and V students totalling 55 people with proportional random sampling. This study uses primary data by interview method. The results obtained were 69.1% of respondents nutritional knowledge in the moderate category, 36.4% never had breakfast in a week, 80% of respondents snacked 3 times a day, and 70.9% of respondents had good nutritional status.</span></em></p>Dewi RahayuVivi AuliaYuliana ArsilAlkausyari Aziz
2025-01-082025-01-0813219320210.36929/jpk.v13i2.759Bilingual Android App for Early Nutrition Education
<p> <em>This study investigates the implementation and effectiveness of NutriPlay, an Android-based application designed to enhance understanding of balanced nutrition among early childhood students in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. NutriPlay features interactive, visually engaging, and bilingual content aimed at enriching children’s vocabulary while promoting nutrition education. The study involved 30 students from PAUD Lily Jaya and PAUD Al-Fatah, with data collected on usage duration, interest level, ease of use, and improvement in nutrition understanding. The results indicate that 70% of the students used NutriPlay for less than 5 minutes per session, while 30% used it for 5-10 minutes per session, and none of the students used it for more than 10 minutes. Despite the short usage periods, 85% of the students reported increased interest in the application, and 90% showed significant improvement in their understanding of nutrition concepts. These findings suggest that NutriPlay is effective in delivering educational content within short usage periods, sustaining children’s interest through repeated use, and significantly improving their understanding of nutrition concepts.</em></p>Falinda OktarianiDewi ErowatiMuhammad Nufus Rahmatullah
2025-01-132025-01-1313220320910.36929/jpk.v13i2.940Effectiveness of “GUCHIRO” as an Alternative Food to Prevent Anemia in Pregnant Women
<p><em>Anemia in pregnant women can have serious impacts, including stunted fetal growth and the risk of bleeding. This study developed an innovative product “GUCHIRO”, a sago mocha with rosella flower jam (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), to prevent non-pharmacological anemia. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of GUCHIRO in increasing the hemoglobin level of pregnant women. The method used was quantitative analytic with a sample of 25 pregnant women, carried out from January to October 2024 at the Riau Health Ministry Poltekkes Laboratory and PMB Dince Safrina Pekanbaru. The results showed that the average hemoglobin level increased from 10.281 mg/dL before consumption of GUCHIRO to 11.014 mg/dL after consumption. The difference in hemoglobin levels was significant with a value of p=0.000. This study shows that GUCHIRO is effective in increasing the hemoglobin level of pregnant women and can be a non-pharmacological alternative for the prevention of anemia.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong></p> <p><em>GUCHIRO, anemia, pregnant women</em></p>Findy HindratniSepti Indah Permata SariFathunikmah Fathunikmah
2025-01-202025-01-2013221021510.36929/jpk.v13i2.939Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of The Toddler
<p>Complementary feeding practices that are not optimal are one of the causing factors of stunting. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between complementary feeding practice and stunting among children in Kampar Districts. Complementary feeding practices include early age of giving complementary feeding, texture, frequency, portion, hygiene, and responsive feeding. Kampar is a high contributor to fish resources but has also been a locus for stunting for several years. The cross-sectional study with a population of all children aged 6-23 months. The proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used with a total sample is 100 children. Body length was measured using a length board, feeding practices were obtained through observation using a checklist sheet, and nutritional intake through food recall for 1x24 hours. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test. There are 17% stunted and 83% non-stunted. As many as 29% received early complementary feeding, 70% texture was inappropriate, 66% frequency was inappropriate, 69% portion was inappropriate, 83% menu did not vary, 95% was not hygienic, 38% was unresponsive and inadequate intake. There was a significant relationship between responsive feeding and nutritional status (p<0.05)</p>Yessi MarlinaDewi ErowatiYolahumaroh Yolahumaroh
2025-01-202025-01-2013221622510.36929/jpk.v13i2.860Optimizing Addition of Africal Catfish to the Level of Preferences and Nutritional Content of Cassava Rengginang
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Rengginang cassava has a high carbohydrate content while the protein content is low so it is necessary to add other ingredients such as the addition of catfish. This type of research is an experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments, namely 0% (control), 10%, 20% and 30%, and using 25 semi-trained panelists. Based on the results of the highest average level of preference for the color, aroma, taste and texture of cassava rengginang with the addition of Africancatfish at aconcentration of 10%. The One-Way Anova test indicated a significant effect</span><span lang="EN-US"> (</span><span lang="EN-US">р</span><span lang="EN-US"><0,05) in terms of color, aroma, taste, and texture. </span><span lang="EN-US">This study provides an innovation in traditional rengginang products by adding dumbo catfish as an additional protein source. This innovation transforms rengginang from merely a carbohydrate source into a highly nutritious snack rich in protein.</span></em></p>Tri Anna MariaYuliana ArsilDewi RahayuYolahumaroh YolahumarohMuharni Muharni
2025-01-212025-01-2113222623210.36929/jpk.v13i2.952Dosimetry Evaluations in Breast Cancer Using 3D-CRT Technique
<p><em><span lang="EN-ID">Several previous studies have shown that without dose evaluation and monitoring, there is a potential for deterministic radiation effects in 3D-CRT procedures. This study is expected to close the gap by conducting a more comprehensive evaluation of the 3D-CRT technique for breast cancer patients. The research method is quantitative analysis with a study sample of 20 breast cancer patients. Data processing was carried out by conducting statistical tests for the distribution value of organs at risk (OAR) against the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) guidelines and analyzing the conformity index (CI) and homogeneity index (HI) values according to the values recommended by the International Commission Radiation Unit (ICRU). The results of this study obtained OAR doses for the lungs and heart are still within the tolerance value limits set by RTOG p-value <0.05. then for CI and HI there is a deviation p-value <0.05 that there is a difference between the values obtained and the ICRU recommended value. This is due to the location of the target or tumor adjacent to the OAR, to keep the OAR value in accordance with the specified limit value</span><span lang="EN-US">.</span></em></p>Laily Izzati AmbarsariMuhammad IrsalShinta Gunawati SutoroNursama Heru ApriantoroGuntur WinarnoHadi Lesmana
2025-01-212025-01-2113223324110.36929/jpk.v13i2.933Collaborative Waste Management at Tuah Serumpun Market
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Waste management in traditional markets, particularly in Pasar Tuah Serumpun, is a challenge that requires attention from local government and the community. This study aims to analyze and identify the implementation of the Collaborative Waste Management approach in waste management at Pasar Tuah Serumpun. The method used is qualitative research with a case study design. The research informants consist of three main informants, three supporting informants, and one key informant. The research instrument employs in-depth interview guidelines. The results show that the waste separation process at Pasar Tuah Serumpun is not conducted, and the existing waste collection is inadequate. Although waste transport is carried out three times a day, the limited number of transport vehicles owned by the Siak Environmental Agency poses a major obstacle. Additionally, the temporary waste storage sites are insufficient, worsening cleanliness conditions and causing waste piles. It is hoped that relevant parties will conduct outreach on the importance of waste separation to traders and the community, build adequate and strategic temporary storage sites, increase the number of waste transport vehicles to ensure effective collection, and involve the community in waste management through collaborative programs that can enhance participation and environmental awareness.</span></em></p>Nurvi SusantiZulmeliza RasyidSuherman SaharNila Puspita SariNovita Lusiana
2025-02-082025-02-0813224225110.36929/jpk.v13i2.934The Effect of Dagusibu (Get, Save, Use and Dispose of Medicine) Education in Increasing The Knowledge of Cadres Empowering Family Welfare (PKK) in Pematang Ibul Village, Rokan Hilir District
<p><em>Dagsibu (Get, Use, Store and Dispose of Medicines) is an educational program about health to create the Drug Aware Family Movement (GKSO). The aim of this research is to determine the effect of Dagusibu medicine education using leaflet media in increasing the knowledge of cadres Empowering Family Welfare (PKK) in Pematang Ibul Village, Rokan Hilir Regency. This research used a quasi experimental design method by dividing it into 2 groups, namely control and treatment. Sampling used saturated sampling techniques and statistical analysis of the Independent T-Test. Based on the results of research, providing Dagsibu medicine education without using leaflets can increase the knowledge of PKK mothers on post test scores with good knowledge of 42.1%, sufficient 36.8%, and poor 21.1%. Providing Dagusibu medicine education using leaflet media can increase the knowledge of PKK mothers on post test scores with good knowledge of 78.9%, sufficient 15.8%, and poor 5.3%. the results of the T-Independent test obtained a Sig value. 0.026 < 0.05, which means that Dagusibu medicine education using leaflet media can increase knowledge<span lang="EN-US">.</span></em></p>Denia PratiwiNurul Annisa
2025-02-102025-02-1013225226110.36929/jpk.v13i2.955Effectiveness Test of Gel Preparations from Ethanol Extract of Gotu Kola Leaves (Centella asiatica L.) for Wound Healing in Mice (Mus musculus)
<p><em>Pegagan leaves (Centella asiatica L.) are reported to have potential as an anti-oxidant, anti-microbial agent, collagen synthesizing agent, and wound healing agent. Pegagan has components namely triterpenoids and essential oils. Triterpenoids can help wound healing, increase anti-oxidant levels, and increase blood supply to the wound area. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the level of wound healing between mice given a gel preparation from ethanol extract of gotu kola leaves, untreated mice and with povidone iodine. Assessment of wound healing was done by macroscopic observation by comparing wound healing between negative control, positive control, 5% formula, 10% for-mula, and 15% formula. The sig value on day 3 was 0.082, day 5 was 0.052, day 7 was 0.240 showing p>0.05 so it can be concluded that there was no significant difference in each group on days 3, 5 and 7. Whereas on day 11 the sig value was 0.011 and day 14 the sig value was 0.006 in the ANOVA test showing p<0.05 so it can be concluded that on days 11 and 14 each group had significant differences.</em></p>Deri IslamiNida Nurul KhasanahYan Hendrika
2025-02-192025-02-1913226226910.36929/jpk.v13i2.956Evaluation of Drug Use in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Patient at the Outpatient Installation
<p><em>Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a disorder in which stomach contents reflux repeatedly into the esophagus, causing disturbing symptoms or complications. Heartburn and regurgitation are the hallmark symptoms of GERD. This study aims to determine the evaluation of drug use which includes the right indication, the right dose, the right drug and the right interval. The subjects in this study were GERD patients who met the inclusion criteria and were determined based on the slovin formula. The research method used is observational with a cross-sectional approach with a purposive sampling technique where this study describes and examines drug use in GERD patients at Aulia Hospital Pekanbaru in 2022. The results show drug use in GERD patients at the Outpatient Installation at Aulia Hospital Pekanbaru namely 100% right indication, 100% right dose, 100% right drug, and 100% right interval.</em></p>Isna WardaniatiDonita Zuliana
2025-02-222025-02-2213227027810.36929/jpk.v13i2.1073Characteristic Associated with Perineal Rupture in Multiparous Delivery Mother
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">In 2017, 566 mothers in Indonesia experienced perineal rupture, while in Lampung in 2022, there were 24 cases of bleeding triggered by perineal rupture. This study aims to identify characteristics associated with perineal rupture in multiparous mothers at PMB Midwife Ketut Dani, SST, in 2023. The research design was cross-sectional with a sample of 45 multiparous mothers, where 30 experienced perineal rupture and 15 did not. Simple random sampling was used, and data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate methods with the chi-square test. Results showed 66.7% of multiparous mothers experienced perineal rupture, while 33.3% did not. Significant factors associated with perineal rupture were maternal age (p-value 0.015) and birth spacing (p-value 0.019). However, infant birth weight (p-value 0.800) had no significant relationship with perineal rupture. This study emphasizes the importance of maternal age and birth spacing in the prevention of perineal rupture and encourages the practice of perineal massage and Kegel exercises for multiparous pregnant women.</span></em></p>Niluh Putu Ayu SukmadewiNurliyani NurilyaniSunarsih SunarsihSusilawati Susilawati
2025-03-012025-03-0113227929010.36929/jpk.v13i2.957Operational Efficiency and Accuracy in Forecasting Drug Demand: The Application of Technology in Stock Management
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Despite the critical role of medicine stock management in ensuring drug availability in health facilities, existing practices often suffer from inefficiencies and inaccuracies, particularly in predicting drug demand. This study addresses these gaps by integrating information technology (IT) into medicine stock management, examining its impact on operational efficiency and predictive accuracy. Employing a mixed-methods approach, data were collected from surveys, interviews, and case studies across various healthcare facilities and analyzed using the MERISE methodology. Findings reveal that IT implementation significantly enhances efficiency, reduces human errors, and improves decision-making speed. Furthermore, capacity building for stock management staff is crucial in sustaining performance improvements. The study underscores the necessity of robust policies and cross-sector coordination to optimize stock management. Its contribution lies in offering a practical framework for IT-driven stock management, with broader implications for global healthcare efficiency, ensuring accurate medicine availability, and improving service quality in diverse health settings.</span></em></p>Rabibisoa GiovanniSukmawaty SukmawatyInriati LewaIndarwati Indarwati