JPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan
JPK: Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan [ ISSN : 2715-1115 (online) 2302-8610 (print)] is a double-blind peer-reviewed national journal published twice on May and November. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field on health in the broadest sense such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information system, medical record, health law, hospital management, enviromental science, etc.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36929/jpk.
by the Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau located in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Jurnal Ibu dan Anak is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice on May and November. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field of midwifery.
Jurnal Ibu dan Anak provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and discussion of advances in evidence, controversies and current research, and promotes continuing education through publication of systematic and other scholarly reviews and updates. Jurnal ibu dan Anak articles cover the cultural, clinical, psycho-social, sociological, epidemiological, education, managerial, workforce, organizational and technological areas of practice in preconception, maternal and infant care, maternity services and other health systems.
JONAH : Journal of Nursing and Homecare
JONAH : Journal of Nursing and Homecare is a nursing journal which publishes scientific works for nurses, academics, and practitioners. Jonah welcomes and invites original and relevant research articles in nursing, as well as literature study, case report particularly in nursing and home care.
PITIMAS: Journal of Community Engagement in Health
PITIMAS: Journal of Community Engagement in Health (ISSN 2962-8040; http://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/PITIMAS) adalah blind and peer-reviewed journal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel ilmiah dari pengabdian bidang kesehatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Artikel-artikel yang di PITIMAS meliputi hasil-hasil pengabmas asli (prioritas utama), artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru (tidak prioritas), atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada di PITIMAS. PITIMAS diterbitkan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau. PITIMAS menerima manuskrip atau artikel dalam bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat dibidang kesehatan, farmasi, keperawatan, promosi kesehatan, homecare, kebidanan, gizi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat baik nasional maupun internasional.
EBIMA : Jurnal Edukasi Bidan di Masyarakat
Ebima : Jurnal Edukasi Bidan di Masyarakat or Journal of community dedication in Midwivery is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published on February and November. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field of midwife. The scope of Ebima in the following fields: The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives of midwife. CALL FOR PAPERS https://jurnal.pkr.ac.id/index.php/ebima/issue/view/37. IT’S FREE OF CHARGE. doi: https://doi.org/10.36929/ebima.v2i2 E-ISSN : 2775-3611
INCH : Journal of Infant and Child Healthcare
INCH : Journal of Infant and Child Healthcare is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published on April and Oktober.
The scope of INCH : Journal of Infant And Child Healthcare in the following fields: policy, prevention, control, and intervention for stunting; the first 1000 days of life; healthcare of infant and children.