Knowledge of Nurses about Third Goal International Patients Safety Goal

  • Fathul Jannah Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau
Keywords: Third goal, IPSG, medication error


One of the goals of patient safety (IPSG) is third goal, which focuses on the safety
of treatment, especially the high-alert medications. Medication errors are the third
leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. This incident can be
detrimental to the patient and can endanger patient safety which can be done by
health workers, especially in giving drugs to patients. For this reason, it is
necessary to know how much the nurses knowledge about this matter. The study
was a descriptive study with a sample of nurses in the inpatient rooms of two
hospitals in Pekanbaru. The results shows that 55% and 48% of respondents
have good knowledge of the third goal.


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How to Cite
JannahF. (2020). Knowledge of Nurses about Third Goal International Patients Safety Goal. JPK : Jurnal Proteksi Kesehatan, 9(1), 9-13.