Teratogeneous Effects of Gynuraprocumbens (Lour.) Merr. Ethanol Extract Against Musculus Fetal
This study looked at the teratogenous effects of ethanol extracts of
Gynuraprocumbens (Lour.) Merr. on the white mice fetus. Experimental animals
consisted of 24 mices, 4 male mices and 20 female mices, divided into 4
groups, namely the negative control group, ethanol extracts of
Gynuraprocumbens (Lour.) Merr. 150 mg/kgBW; 300 mg/kgBW; and 600
mg/kgBW. Provision is made from the 6th day until the 15th day of
pregnancy. Laparactomy is carried out on the 18th day of pregnancy. The
parameters observed were body weight of mices, number of fetuses,
average fetal weight, and macroscopic observation of the fetus. The results
showed that the parent's body weight, number of fetuses, and average fetal
weight were significantly different (sig <0.05). Macroscopic observation of
the fetus obtained slow growth in ethanolic extracts dose of 600 mg/kgBW.
This study can be concluded that the ethanol extract of
Gynuraprocumbens(Lour.) Merr.has a teratogeniceffect on the fetus of white
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